5 Steps To Solving IBD-related Anemia

5 Steps To Solving IBD-related Anemia

If you’ve got Crohn’s or Colitis, you may have had anemia at some point or you may find your doctor checking for anemia regularly in blood work.  Anemia is one of the most common reasons for IBD related fatigue and affects around 24% of IBD patients (1). In our...
How do you know if you are in remission?

How do you know if you are in remission?

So… How do you know if you are in remission? The topic of remission is rarely fully explained after a diagnosis of IBD so often people come to me with  many questions like: How do I know if I’m in remission? My doctor says I’m in remission, but I still have...
Four Supplements That Can Help With IBD

Four Supplements That Can Help With IBD

The supplement industry is confusing, unregulated and worth over 42 billion dollars in the U.S. alone. Translation: There are a lot of supplements out there, but they aren’t all created equally. So how do you navigate this world as someone living with IBD? I’m a...