by Ashley Hurst, MS, RD, LD & CCD Team | Apr 26, 2023 | Membership, Nutrition Therapy
What is a strictureHaving intestinal strictures from Crohn’s Disease means that there is narrowing in a specific area within the intestine. When inflammation is present, the body will try to heal itself causing scar tissue that can build up over time.Bowel...
by Danielle Leffler, RD, LD | Mar 7, 2023 | IBD
The words strictures and IBD is enough to get my stomach churning. As a dietitian with Crohn’s Disease, and a stricture in the ileum I know the impact it can have on the body. However, I also know how important it is to understand how to navigate them so that you can...
by Ashley Hurst, R.D. | Jul 27, 2022 | IBD
If you suffer from Inflammatory Bowel Disease, chances are you may have heard about the risk of developing a stricture and the problems it can cause. Before we look at what a stricture is, let’s share a couple of key facts which highlight this risk: Half of...