5 Best Protein Powders for IBD

by | Jul 17, 2023 | IBD | 11 comments

One of the top questions we get asked in our practice is – how can I get enough protein for my IBD? How do we know what’s enough protein? Today’s blog post will be exploring the 5 best protein powders for IBD. As well as pre-made protein drinks and nutritional supplements for people with inflammatory bowel disease from popular brands!

Many people also want to know- how can I get enough protein if I’m on a plant based diet? We will go over all of these questions plus list our top picks for protein powders. 

Inflammatory Bowel Disease also known as IBD is a chronic, relapsing and remitting disease that affects the digestive system.  The two most common types of IBD include Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC).  

Other types of IBD include microscopic colitis and indeterminate colitis which is defined as a person showing features of IBD without an official diagnosis due to the uncertainty and complexity of the disease.  

According to the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation, roughly 1 in 100 Americans have an IBD diagnosis. And according to research, in 1990, 3.32 million people globally were diagnosed with IBD compared to 2019 where 4.90 million people were diagnosed with IBD showing a significant rise in this diagnosis (1).  

Symptoms that patients commonly experience with IBD can include weight loss, malnourishment, malabsorption, rectal bleeding (depending on IBD location), fever, abdominal pain, fatigue, and joint pain.

There are many other symptoms that patients experience that are not listed above and can occur outside of the digestive tract naming these extra-intestinal manifestations. 

During times of active inflammation, protein requirements increase. Additional protein can help the burden that IBD can cause on the body.  

This can be difficult to achieve at times due to the inflammation itself causing nausea, a decrease in appetite, and pain/discomfort that people with IBD can experience.  Fortunately, there are ways where we can meet our nutritional needs without having to compromise the digestive tract and improve nutrient absorption. 

Learn more about The Crohn’s and Colitis Dietitian’s 5 best protein powders* for IBD through out this blog.

*Disclaimer: Protein powder, pre-made protein drinks and nutritional supplements are different supplemental products people can add to their day to help meet their needs. For simplicity, the title ‘best protein powders for IBD’ was used. The blog will explore and explain the top IBD friendly protein supplements. A powder or liquid form of protein can both be beneficial to help someone meet their nutritional needs. 

5 Best Protein Powders for IBD

Protein recommendations for someone with IBD can vary depending on the severity and location of the disease.  Because malnutrition can occur in up to 85% of patients with IBD, it is recommended to consume protein sources that are best tolerated and sustainable for that person.  

One of the most common types of protein sources that are generally well-tolerated in IBD patients with active disease are nutritional shakes. 

Orgain, OWYN, Kate Farms, and Liquid Hope Organic are the clear favorites!

Orgain, OWYN, Kate Farms, and Liquid Hope Organic round out the top 5 protein powders for IBD. These products can be a therapeutic tool for IBD patients especially when weight loss occurs in the presence of inflammation. Keep reading to learn more about the products and the best attributes of them below!

Orgain protein powders

Orgain has many product options available for people with IBD! They have 20-21 grams of protein per serving. Making these a great option to include as part of a balanced diet. Depending on what flavor you choose, Orgain protein powders also contain 4-7 grams of fiber per serving. Which is a nutrient often lacking in most diets. Orgain’s plant-based protein powder also contains 25% of your daily recommended iron! Iron is often depleted in those with IBD due to decreased absorption and increased bleeding. 

Orgain protein shakes

Orgain protein shakes are a great option when you’re feeling low on energy (hello IBD fatigue). Or require something easy and on-the-go. With a creamy, chocolate flavor, and 20 grams of protein. And 40% daily recommended iron, this shake is sure to be helpful for long days.


OWYN is another great option to choose with both protein powder and ready made protein shakes! In fact, OWYN (Only What You Need) packs 20 grams of protein into their plant-based shakes, as well as 525 mg of omega-3s. This makes them beneficial to those with IBD as they have been shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body. OWYN is also made without artificial sweeteners or fillers. This makes it easily digestible for people with Crohn’s Disease or Ulcerative Colitis. 

Kate Farms

Kate Farms carries nutritional shakes for daily nutritional needs in chocolate, coffee, and vanilla flavors. In fact, Kate Farms reports high satisfaction with an easily digestible shake. 16 grams of pea protein, and also 5 grams of fiber in a grab and go bottle. 

Liquid Hope Organic

Liquid Hope Organic is a balanced, whole food, nutrition supplement mainly for individuals requiring tube feeding. However, someone can still use this product to help meet their nutritional needs by adding it to smoothies or soups due to its mild flavor. Liquid Hope boasts 9 grams of fiber/serving and 23 grams of protein. 

Pairing a multivitamin with a nutritional shake may be needed in the event the formula does not meet all of the nutrient recommendations.

These nutritional shakes are plant-based, dairy-free (no whey protein), and gluten-free, making it a more tolerable option for IBD patients. 

Not to mention, these protein shakes are suitable for patients who are lactose intolerant (commonly seen in IBD patients). And have very minimal to no side-effects when used for medicinal purposes such as exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN). 

How to know what type of protein is good for you

Protein, an essential macronutrient, is made from amino acids and provides our bodies with many essential functions.  Research suggests that plant-based protein sources are both nutritious and anti-inflammatory for our digestive system and body altogether. 

Plant-based protein sources also tend to be easily digested in comparison to animal-based sources. Such as eggs, milk products, poultry, and meats.  Since IBD is an inflammatory condition, incorporating foods such as plant-based protein sources that are nutrient-dense can be a therapeutic addition to a patient’s treatment plan.  

Types of plant-based protein sources include tofu, beans/legumes, hemp seeds, lentils, edamame, tempeh, whole grains, seeds, and nuts/nut butters.  Plant-based protein powders including pea protein like the ones mentioned above can be another quick and easy addition to the diet. 

If you’re interested in trying some of the protein options mentioned in this blog, use our code CNC15 for a discount from OWYN to save money while enjoying something new and beneficial for your gut!

Worried about symptoms?

Symptoms like bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea and constipation can turn your world upside down with IBD. Did you know that even when inflammation and disease activity are managed well – you can still have symptoms with IBD?

This can make trying new foods a bit scary for many people. You might not even know where to start. If this is you, we have a program called Plant Magic where we work 1:1 with you to help you:


    • Get a customized plan in place for your IBD

    • Expand your diet without triggering symptoms

    • Reduce your risk of flare-ups long-term

    • Improve energy so you can get back to what you enjoy

    • Get clear on what matters the most – so you can let go of what doesn’t matter as much

If that sounds like what you are looking for- join us! When you work with us, we are with you every step of the way and we offer more support and resources than you could dream of.

If you are looking for a product that has tons of great evidence to help with reducing uncomfortable gut symptoms- check out our product Back to Balance Plus. Or read about it in our new blog on our most requested topic – Probiotics for Bloating.

Key Takeaways 

While there isn’t one type of protein source that’s better than the other for a person with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, it is, however, important to provide the digestive tract with a healthy variety of plant-based sources and a nutrition plan that works for the person with IBD. 

Remember, we can meet our protein recommendations from many different sources without relying on animal products. Today’s blog showcased 5 best protein powders for IBD that were all derived from plants!

While protein is essential for our bodies to maintain a balanced state, it is important to remember that consuming extreme diets, like the carnivore diet which is meat heavy, can be demanding for the digestive tract for someone with ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease. Furthermore, following a dietary pattern high in animal proteins and low in fiber can increase the risk of flares in IBD and have a negative impact on the microbiome (2). 

If you are wanting further support on your IBD journey with specific protein recommendations based on your personal needs, book a free discovery call to explore the many options available to you!



    1. Wang R, Li Z, Liu S, et al. Global, regional and national burden of inflammatory bowel disease in 204 countries and territories from 1990 to 2019: a systematic analysis based on the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 BMJ Open 2023;13:e065186. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2022-065186

    1. Papier, K., Hartman, L., Tong, T. Y., Key, T. J., & Knuppel, A. (2022). Higher meat intake is associated with higher inflammatory markers, mostly due to adiposity: Results from UK Biobank. The Journal of Nutrition, 152(1), 183–189. doi:10.1093/jn/nxab314 

Ashley and Leah, talk with an IBD dietitian today

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Talk with our team to learn more about nutrition for IBD, see which option is best for you, and get your questions about working with an IBD dietitian answered.

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  • Increase your confidence in supporting your IBD diagnosis


  1. Luke Murray Bailey

    You haven’t done enough research. Research g6pd, all of the choices you’ve told people to take are probably very bad triggers for ibs and ibd.

    • Ashley Hurst, R.D.

      I’m confused on what you mean by that – G6PD is a genetic disorder that happens when your body doesn’t have enough of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) which can cause can cause hemolytic anemia. That doesn’t have anything to do with protein powders/tolerance. However, yes sometimes all sorts of things can be triggers for IBS and IBD – we recommend working with a dietitian specialized in what you are seeking support on to figure out how to navigate the tolerance piece since that can be very individualized.

  2. sally weymouth

    hmm i haven’t had the best success w some. of these. have you tried drink wholesome? That’s been working for me + my IBS after a lot of trial n error.

    • Ashley Hurst, R.D.

      what kind of experience did you have trying them?

  3. Theresa Connolly

    Herbalife is it safe for crohns desease

    • Ashley Hurst, R.D.

      It wouldn’t be my first pick and it’s not a brand we recommend to our patients. You should always work with an IBD dietitian too to figure out what’s right for you!

  4. james arndt

    Kate Farms and Liquid hope are so overpriced that it puts them out of reach for the average consumer.

  5. Lisa Mishel

    I just got diagnose with colitis what protein shake would u recommend ? I was useing herbalife since 2004 this is all new to me

    • Ashley Hurst, R.D.

      Did you like any referenced in the article?

  6. suzanne siteman

    I would love to try protein powders again, do you know what the sweetner is in OWYN? Sometimes I think I react to sweetness…do you recommend starting with a half serving to see how the body reacts? Or less? Thank you!

    • Ashley Hurst, R.D.

      I believe it has some monk fruit in it. I’d suggest working with your dietitian on a plan forward – reaction might not always mean that the food is always the problem.



  1. 10 Snacks for Ulcerative Colitis · The Crohn's & Colitis Dietitians - […] For more information (and a discount!) check out our 5 Best Protein Powders for IBD.  […]

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