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Coenzyme Q-10 is involved in energy production within the mitochondria. In this capacity, coenzyme Q-10 facilitates the conversion food to energy that can be used by the body for activity. Coenzyme Q-10 is also a powerful antioxidant, facilitating the removal of destructive free radicals. Virtually every cell of the human body requires coenzyme Q-10, with heart muscle and the liver having the greatest concentration since their mitochondrial contest is the greatest in the body.

Athletic Support:

Mitigates muscle damage after high intensity training; Trials indicate CoQ10 benefits both strength and endurance; 300 mg of CoQ10 increased power in Olympic athletes.


Deficiency causes fatigue due to its role in mitochondrial energy metabolism; chronic fatigue is common when low.

Deficiency Symptoms:

  • Deficiency is poorly understood, but may be caused by synthesis problems in the body rather than insufficiency in the diet.
  • Low blood levels have been reported in people with heart failure, cardiomyopathies, gingivitis (an inflammation of the gums) & hypertension
  • Aging is also associated with lower coenzyme Q-10 levels

CoQ10 & Statins:

It is now established that many patients on statin drugs (cholesterol lowering medications and HMG CoA Reductase Inhibitors) have lowered coenzyme Q-10 levels and are at increased risk for deficiency. Many cardiologists routinely utilize coenzyme Q-10 for treating congestive heart failure.